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Hi folks!


These two runs are actually the same run:

The first one runs until it hits “Call a Sub-Zap”, and the second one runs after “Return from Sub-Zap”.

There are indeed 10 tasks in the Zap, plus one in the Sub-Zap and the Return from Sub-Zap task, which doesn’t seem to get counted in the Sub-Zap:

Shouldnt there be 12 tasks total between the main zap and the Sub-Zap?  I don’t understand why the main zap is counting all 10 steps twice and the sub-zap seems to be only counting the step within the zap and not the Return step. 



Hi @ZapKellar 

Check your Zap Task Usage page to double check:

Hi @ZapKellar 

Check your Zap Task Usage page to double check:

You mean like this?

It’s definitely double-counting tasks.

And it’s been doing this for two days while I’ve been working with this Sub-Zap:



If you feel there is an issue, it would be best to open a ticket with Zapier Support:

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined for the Zaps involved.

Also post screenshots from the related Zap Runs showing how each Zap step processed.
