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Zap triggers when it shouldn't

  • 24 March 2023
  • 6 replies

I manage a list of students and courses in Airtable and use Mailerlite for email marketing. I have two zaps connecting AT and ML:

  1. When a student joins a course, add them to the relevant ML group.
  2. When a student leaves a course, remove them from the relevant ML group.

Each Zap watches its own “last modified” field, and each “last modified” field is watching its own linked field.

The problem is that when a student joins, the ‘add to group’ zap fires - AND the ‘remove from group’ zap fires. I can’t for the life of me figure out why.

I’ve checked and double checked the AT fields and that the Zap triggers are definitely connected to the right fields, and I’ve tried reconnected my Airtable to Zapier. Nothing.

Any ideas out there?

Hi @Sigurdur130 

You’re welcome! Great to hear that Troy was able to help you!



@Troy Tessalone, SUCH an obvious answer as soon as you say it X.x Thanks so much!


Good question.

As part of the Zap trigger config, you may want to indicate a View to filter on.

Otherwise, the Zap trigger is for NEW or UPDATED records, meaning it will trigger BOTH Zaps for NEW records.


Thanks for the replies.

Sam: yes, both zaps are looking at the same view, or rather, neither zap has a view restriction.

Troy: Here are the relevant screenshots. I hope we can work this out! 




Hi @Sigurdur130 

Good question.

We’d need more detailed screenshots with how each of your Zap steps are configured along with how each of the related Airtable fields are configured in order for us to have enough context, thanks.

Also, best to outline a specific example to trace the data involved.

Hi @Sigurdur130👋

That’s very strange. Are both Zaps looking at records in the same View in Airtable?

If so, perhaps you could try adding a Filter (Add conditions to Zaps with filters) to the Zaps to check whether the student has either joined or left the course. Presumably this whether they’ve joined or left the course would be noted somewhere in the record, right?

Do you think that could work at all?

If you do give that a try, let us know how you get on. Always happy to help further if you run into any issues!