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I have switched off the zap i didnt want months ago but it was still running (sending automated mails) even after deleting the same weeks ago still the automated emailer are being send to customers (with the outdated link, i didnt want to send anymore).

After chatting on the bot there’s no solution and its leading to serious customer issues.

Hi @Hersheys 

Check your Zap Runs history for activity to help you troubleshoot:

  • Perhaps there is another Zap still ON
  • Perhaps there is an automation configured in a different Zapier account or on a different automation platform or in another app


For us to have more context, we would need to see screenshots as proof the emails are still being sent.

Hi there @Hersheys 👋

Just came across your post here and wanted to check in to see how you’re getting on. Were you since able to get to the bottom of why the Zap was still sending out emails despite being switched off?

As Troy mentioned it’s likely due to another Zap, possibly in a separate Zapier account, that’s still switched on and running. Was that the case here?

Keen to ensure this is resolved so please let us know whether or not those emails are still being sent - happy to help further on this!