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Zap Randomly Stops Working Square & Google Calendar

I have a simple zap that I use where when I create a new invoice in Square that has an event date, it adds that event to my google calendar. It will works for a few weeks and then it will randomly stop working without sending me any error notifications. If I go in and turn the zap off and back on again it will start working again. I don’t know what causes it to stop running or what I can do to fix this problem. Appreciate any guidance on this issue. 

Hi @plantbakedbysarah 

In the Zap Editor, check the Zap History for clues.

I have checked the Zap History and it shows no runs after June 12th despite having made 12 new invoices in Square between the 12th and the 30th. 


Can you post screenshots of the recent Zap Change History?

Zaps run while turned ON, so if the Zap was turned OFF during that time, then there won’t be Zap Runs.

Check your Zap app connections here:

If there are repeated Zap Runs errors, the Zap can auto turn OFF.

There is a setting on paid plans to keep a Zap running when repeated errors are encountered.


The only time I have turned off the Zap and turned it back on is when I realize it is no longer running. I don’t see any errors. 


For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and how your Zap trigger step is configured in EDIT mode.

Also, post screenshots showing the gap in your Zap Runs around the mentioned dates.



Square Status page shows multiple incidents around the dates you mentioned, which may have contributed to your Zap Runs issue.



Ah, I see. Is there anything that I can do to navigate this issue? It seems like once Square goes down once, zapier stops working for all future invoices. 


Regularly monitor your Zap Runs history:

Monitor the Square Status page.
