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Hello! I have a workflow form in Slack that pushes to Google Sheets (via slack workflow builder) and then a Zap from Google Sheets to a Coda table. I added a column in Google Sheets (the new column is a link back to the original slack message so we can easily find the request) and CAN get this new column to zap to Coda when I test the Zap through the Zap builder.

When the zap is in production and published, the new column is not pushing to Coda, although every other field is correctly mapped and showing up in the Coda table.

Please let me know any thoughts you might have on this. Thanks in advance!


Hi @Propeller 

Check your Zap Runs history to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you trace the data flow and troubleshoot:

If you need more, help post screenshot to give us more context about how the Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode as well as the DATA IN/OUT for a Zap Run.

@Troy Tessalone thank you so much thats extremely helpful. I checked there and I see the DATA OUT of the spreadsheet doesn’t include column I, which is the column I asked about. I am a little confused on reading the DATA OUT/IN… how do I get column I into the DATA IN? Thank you SO MUCH! 


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@Troy Tessalone sorry let me try again! 


Try testing Zap Step 1 again to pull thru an example that has a value for Column I.

Then remap, Zap Step 2 with the variable for Column I from Zap Step 1.

@Troy Tessalone thank you! when I re-test, with an example that has a value in Column I (link to slack) the coda card comes through correctly- with the value showing…  but this is only during testing. If i publish the zap version, and then manually trigger the zap (by adding a new row in the google sheet) column I (although filled out in the google doc) does not come through. 

You can see in the screenshots, there is no “link to the original slack” in the manually triggered zap (test2) vs. the tested zap that has that field filled out. 


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@Troy Tessalone I am so sorry - I have no idea why they aren’t loading. Tried again!


Can you post screenshots showing the DATA IN/OUT for a live Zap Run after you updated the Zap and tested?

The DATA OUT shows the data returned from a Zap step.

The DATA IN shows the data sent to an app for a Zap step.

If there is not DATA OUT for a variable from a Zap step that is mapped as the DATA IN for a Zap step field, then that would explain why no data was transferred between the Zap steps.

Hi there @Propeller 👋

Just came across your posts here and wanted to check how things are going. Did you manage to get things sorted here? 

If so we’d love it if you could spare a few minutes to give details of what the solution was. This would be super helpful to others running into the same issue with their Zaps!

And if not, can you share some further screenshots as Troy mentioned and we’ll be happy to help further. 

Looking forward to hearing from you! 🙂
