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zap_meta_human_now: mm/dd/yy command not populating "Todays" date

  • 19 October 2023
  • 1 reply

I'm using the command zap_meta_human_now: mm/dd/yy hh:mmAM/PM to populate TODAY's date (that is equal to the time of creation that) to a file din Pardot.


This is the command and mapped field:

But in reality the out put date is populating the day prior. Why could that be happening?

Here is on zap history that I can see was create on the 19 of October:


But the value populated in the referred field for the 18 of October:



It's not close to mid night where the change of the day could have an impact on that. So any ideas on how to address this? Thank you! 

Hi @Luma Bendini 

Good question.

Make sure to check/set your timezone on your Zapier account and on the Zap itself.
