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The trigger for my Zap is a comment on a Trello card, then a search for a matter in Clio that matches the card name, then a note is created in Clio with the text of the comment from the Trello card. The zap works fine for Open Matters in Clio.

However, the zap did NOT work for a Closed Matter in Clio.

Is the problem that Zapier does NOT search Closed Matters in Clio? 

If Zapier DOES search for Closed Matters in Clio then I’ll know that the problem lies elsewhere.

Thank you.

Hi @JennK 

Good question.

Make sure the search value exactly matches the Clio Matter value.

Can you provide screenshots as proof from Clio and how your Zap step is configured/tested?


@Troy Tessalone, I changed the Trello card to remove the client’s middle name. Then the zap worked so the issue was apparently including the middle name in the Trello card name which halted the operation when the Matter was not found in Clio. I think the problem was that the client’s name does not exactly match the Matter Name. For example, let’s say we had a client named John James Doe. The Trello card name would be John James Doe. However, the matter name in Clio is DoeJames.

Perhaps I need to add in a search step to first look for the client name in Clio and then find the matter associated with the client?



Many Zap app “find” steps do exact matching which may even be case sensitive.

@Troy Tessalone I added the extra step to first find the Person Contact in Clio, then in the next step (Search for Clio Matter) I used the values from the previous step of LastNameFirstName to search for the matter. That worked!

That’s awesome @JennK! Thanks Troy amazing as always!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 😊
