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I’ve set up multiple zaps in the past integrating calendars and adding a filter in the steps. I have only recently discovered two of my Calendly integration zaps now ignore the filter I set.

I have a filter set to only continue for a specific event type. when I run a test, all seems fine, however the zap fires for all events on the calendar, ignoring the condition to only go through for the event type I specified when setting up the zap. Looking for a solution. Can you help? I do not want to send emails to everyone, just for a specific event, so I need the filter to be active.

Hi @Josh Elledge 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have enough context, thanks.

Here’s a snapshot.

@Josh Elledge 

The way the Filter is configured is that it is comparing the same data point to itself so it will ALWAYS evaluate to TRUE, and thus the Filter step will always be a success and proceed.


Instead add a static value to the right side.

I’ve found the fix. Thanks @Troy Tessalone 

Thanks for hopping back in here to let us know, @Josh Elledge. I’m so glad Troy was able to help you get this solved! 😁

I’m having the same issue as Josh. I used to have the right side be the “event name” as well but saw in another thread to type in the name instead. But, it’s still not working and is firing for all call events in my Calendly account. Here’s my set up for context.



Hi @alynnnh,

From the screenshot you've shared, it seems like you've done a great job setting up the Filter step! Now, let's try a little troubleshooting step together. Could you please make a duplicate of your Zap? You can do this by clicking on the three dots on the My Zaps page, just like in the screenshot below:

(view larger)

Once you've duplicated the Zap please ensure that everything checks out, and go ahead and publish it. After that, give it a try by triggering the Zap again.

Please keep us posted! 😊

It worked! Thank you for your help! I can delete the original Zaps, right? And keep the duplicates?

Hi @alynnnh,

Awesome! I’m glad that worked!

Yup! You can delete the original Zap and keep the duplicates. 😊

Thank you so much!!
