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We have a zapier process setup to create an issue in JIRA when a checkbox is selected in a google sheet, however I’m having an issue with setting a custom field in JIRA when creating the issue. 


The custom field is a select list field type which shows a picklist to the user in JIRA when creating an issue. I’ve located the ID’s and values used in the custom field and mapped these into my google sheet to be picked up however I’m still getting error messages that I’m not submitting the correct value. 


If you can see in my error message the value picked up from sheets matches exactly to an available option from the list of allowed values, yet the zap still won’t move past this step. 

I’ve already validated that my user credentials have access to create issues via JIRA/Zapier integration. 

Any ideas would be helpful! Thanks!

Hi @cmbr-chris!

In my experience, it can often seem like two values match exactly when you’re looking at them, but extra spaces or characters can sometimes creep in there.

Are you able to try this out with a custom field that doesn’t have emojis in it, out of curiosity? I’m wondering if that’s causing a problem somehow.

I have two other numeric fields that are custom fields which are working properly, just these more custom fields with text and emojis are not working properly. I’ve also tried just putting the ID for the value but it will throw and error then as well. 

Would it help to try a text field with spaces and no emoji? 

Hi @cmbr-chris,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Before we dive deeper into this, would you mind sharing a detailed screenshot of your Zap setup? It would be particularly helpful to see the "Action" section of the step where you're encountering the error. This will help us understand the situation better. Please don't include personal information in the screenshot, or be sure blur out any personal information.

Thanks! 😊

Here’s the step in the zap I’m referring to where I’m encountering an issue.

 Hope this helps!

Hi there @cmbr-chris,

Thanks for sharing the screenshot, but it seems that it's not the exact one I was hoping for. Could you please click on "Edit Zap" and send the screenshot again? I just want to double-check that the data mapping in your Jira Software Cloud action step is correct, as some fields might require specific values.

I appreciate your cooperation! Thanks a bunch! 😊

Here’s a screenshot in edit mode with all fields shown.


The fields in the red box are the ones that keep throwing an error, here’s the options that the zap gives me if i was to pick from the list from Jira. 


Maybe, to your point earlier, it’s a formatting thing. I don’t see those brackets shown on the list options when selecting from the zap edit screen but I do see those in the error responses as previously noted. 

Hi @cmbr-chris,

Thanks for the screenshot and additional information!

Looking at the screenshot, it seems like the custom field dropdown expects a certain value which is the ID. I would suggest adding a lookup table step and mapping the output of the lookup table to those dropdown fields.

Here’s an in-depth guide on how to use the lookup table from this Community post:

Hopefully, this points you to the right direction! 😊


I’ve tried this same zap with just sending the ID for the field from the google sheet and get the same results. 

In my first attempt I sent just the ID (10028) as it’s shown in the drop down and received the same error message at shown in my original post. This then led me to change the value to the version which contained the brackets and text/emoji (100281👍 High]) as shown in the error message and I received the same error message in both instances. 


The step your suggesting would only translate a set value to a set value (eg if x=y then return y when x detected in this earlier step) , would that still just be passing a value that i’m setting and expecting Jira to be expecting?  I can try this and see if it might help but it seems like I’m passing the expected value based on the error message response yet there’s still something wrong with my input. 

Hi @cmbr-chris,

I understand your frustration, and it seems like you've already tried a few different approaches to resolve this issue. However, if you're confident that you're already passing the expected value, the lookup table step might not resolve the issue.

Here are a few additional steps you can take:

  • Ensure that the data type of the ID field in your Google Sheet matches the expected data type in Jira. For example, if Jira is expecting a string and you're passing an integer, this could cause an error.
  • Try choosing from the dropdown and test the Zap to see if that works. This could help you determine if the issue is with the specific value you're trying to pass, or if it's a broader issue with the Zap.

If none of these suggestions help, it might be worth reaching out to our Support team if you’re on a paid plan. They have access to more detailed logs and might be able to provide more specific guidance.

For select fields, Jira will let you send over the “ID” of the option or the “value” (string) of the option, but you need to tell it which one you’re sending, at least if you’re doing an API call with JSON.

When you pick the desired option in Zapier from the list, it sends over the ID of the field (the numbers under the label in one of the screenshots above), not the value. It seems like when you use a custom value from another step in the Zap, Zapier is neither telling Jira it’s passing a string, nor is it looking up the ID for you to pass that.

Frankly I’m surprised that this is still an issue. A Lookup Table is not a reasonable solution here as we’re already making sure the labels in each tool match, we shouldn’t need to manually maintain a table to give Zapier information it already has.

Did you ever figure this out? I am having the same issue. I have tried formatting the input as the following…
110707account storage]
/account storage]
account storage

None of them work


Hey Zach!  Did you ever figure this out?  I’m in the exact same situation and have tried at least a half dozen permutations of the custom field entry - just like you.  No Joy.
