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Zap extracting entries from Cognito form into Google sheet is repeating choice field values to all records in a repeating section.

I have a Cognito form to capture registrations for a conference. It has a repeating section for all attendees submitted in a single registration (in this case family members). One of the fields within this section is dietary needs, which is a Choice field with check boxes for gluten-fee, vegetarian etc, and also allowing free text entry. When I extract this data using a Zap, the same dietary needs values are applied to all members of the family, not just the one to whom they apply. The entries in Cognito are correct. Is this a known issue?

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Troy Tessalone

Hi @Kevin S 

To help us have context, please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.

  • New
  • December 21, 2023

Screenshots are in the attached PDF

Troy Tessalone

@Kevin S 

Can you show screenshots with the DATA OUT from the Zap trigger step for the field in question when there are multiple attendees?

  • New
  • December 22, 2023

Perhaps because the entries for the Dietary Requirements field are not comma-separated, because only one attendee has a value, then it is applying the same value to all records.



  • New
  • December 22, 2023

I tested again with Homer as Vegetarian, and Marge as Lactose-intolerant, and everyone in the family has both values applied in the Zap spreadsheet.



Troy Tessalone

@Kevin S 

When the # of items don’t match across the # of people that is likely what is causing the issue.


For example, just looking at the data you don’t know which of the 5 people the Vegetarian option goes with.


You may need to consider making each question required with an option of “N/A”.

  • New
  • December 24, 2023

I tested with a new field which uses Radio buttons instead of Checkboxes, and that works correctly. Even if I introduce a default value for the Checkbox field it still applies all options to all attendees. I believe this is a bug. In the screen shot below, field 17 is the original checkbox field, and field 18 is the radio buttons field. You can see that I get the correct result with the radio buttons. The problem is that some attendees will have multiple dietary requirements.



Troy Tessalone

@Kevin S 

If there can be multiple dietary needs for 1 attendees, then that makes things more complex, because the checkbox items for one attendee are separated by commas as well as the checked items for all attendees.

Sometimes that requires getting the raw JSON data to do advanced data handling to parse/prep using code.

At a minimum, the checkbox field should require at least 1 checkbox to be checked.
