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Hi there,

Two zap I’ve been working on suddenly shows a 400 error (they were fine before).


Is there something wrong specific with my account or there was a wider issue with Zapier?


Thank you!



Me too. Think it’s a problem with zapier 

Me too. I have the same problem. 

Hi all 👋🏽 Popping in to let you know that our team identified there were problems loading certain Zap steps and this has now been resolved!

Thank you! @Liz_Roberts 

I am experiencing this issue now.

Sorry we missed your message here previously, @Yuyafujii

There was a similar incident that was reported yesterday which was since resolved. Not sure if it’s directly related to the trouble you were experiencing but you can view the details of that incident here:

If you’re still having issues accessing your Zaps I’d recommend reaching out to the Support team here: They’ll be able to investigate further and help to get things resolved. 🙂