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Zap creating form submission not including all fields

My company uses OnceHub to create meetings. During the process, customers are asked a series of questions. We’ve been using Zapier to create a form submission in HubSpot with these answers. While it generally works, I have two answers that consistently aren’t added to the form submission, even though the Zap shows them in the “Data In” section. When I view “Data Out”, the message is “The action returns no data”, yet the Zap shows as successful and most of the fields on the form submission have been populated.


I found a post from last year that describes what I’m seeing in Zapier exactly and suggests being added to a bug list. Does anyone know how to go about that?

15 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Kari F 

Perhaps those fields are OPTIONAL on OnceHub.

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Check your Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you trace the data flow and troubleshoot:

They aren’t optional; they need to be completed and need to be completed in a specific order. For the fields that aren’t always populating, they have to be answered before a different field that does always populate.

Data Out shows all fields, including those that aren’t coming into HubSpot. Data In is giving a message of “The action returns no data”. Again, this is intermittent only - sometimes all of the fields populate without issue. The images below are from one that didn’t send over the “monthly profit margin” field



Userlevel 7
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@Kari F 

Can you post screenshots showing how your Zap steps are outlined and how each Zap step is configured in EDIT mode?

I appreciate the help, Troy. Here are the steps. All fields after the last screen shot are blank



Form Submission Task pt1
pt 2
pt 3 - No further fields


Userlevel 7
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@Kari F 

Help article to reference about mapping dynamic values to dropdown fields:



Thank you but I don’t think this is the issue. Out of nearly 2000 form submissions done through this Zap, only 300 don’t include either the monthly or annual revenue. Always only those two fields; the 3 other mandatory fields always come over without issue.

One of the last times it happened, I submitted a test, entering the exact information the gentleman did when the monthly profit number didn’t come over. His Zap said it was successful but that field didn’t populate; mine also said successful and all fields populated.

Userlevel 7
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@Kari F 

For us to have more context, we would need to see screenshots of the DATA IN/OUT from a specific Zap Run that had an issue:

Here ar the data in/out shots from one that had the issue and one that didn’t. I appreciate that the Monthly Profit Margin in these two example aren’t the same but that isn’t the issue - we have many coming in successfully with the selection that didn’t push in this time

Data In pt1 - Record where all fields except monthly profit populated


Data In pt2 on record where monthly profit didn’t go in but was clearly included
Data Out on problem record


Data In pt 1 - fully successful record
Data In pt 2 fully successful record


Data Out fully successful record


Userlevel 7
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@Kari F 

In Zap Runs, for a Zap Step, when you see {{VAR}} for a field that means the mapped variable value was null/blank/empty or the mapped variable is no longer valid.

Check the previous Zap steps in the Zap Run to make sure those fields had values.


Thank you, Troy, but that isn’t a field in question. It isn’t mandatory so is seldom, if ever, completed. The fields that don’t push onto the form consistently are “Monthly Profit Margin” and “Annual Revenue”, both of which are mandatory with about 3 other mandatory fields (all of which go onto the form without issue every time). In the first example I sent the Data In/Out images for, Monthly Profit Margin had a value but that value didn’t come onto the form. In the second example, Monthly Profit Margin also had a value but did come onto the form. 

Userlevel 7
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@Kari F 

Can you posts screenshots showing the list of dropdown options for the impacted field in the Zap step?



Here are the options in both HubSpot and OnceHub. Again, these sync over normally; it is an intermittent issue and happens regardless of the selection; in other words, it isn’t a single selection that doesn’t copy. There is an extra option in HubSpot; this is historical only.



OnceHub Options


Userlevel 7
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@Kari F 

Those are screenshots from HubSpot.

Can you post screenshots of the options from the dropdown field IN the Zap step?

Here you go. None are preselected. The first option highlighted as soon as I had to scroll down within the options


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Kari F 

As an example, these values are different due to capitalization, which is why those are not being set as indicated by the help article covering the expected value for dropdown fields:

