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Xero contains an invoice or Bill payment record that records the date that money was received for an invoice or that money was spent for a bill. 

We wish to trigger an integration of this new payment record to create a Payment record in Salesforce. 

Xero does not support webhooks for this event type. 

Zapier polls the Xero system for a new payment record but the trigger criteria requires a Payment Date which is equal to the Payment Transaction created date. 

Transaction payment records are created in Xero manually and often after the actual payment date. 

Zapier have confirmed this is a bug and have no scheduled date for resolution. 

Has any one any workaround suggestions other than resorting to an API integration? 


Mark Riley. 



The only non-direct workaround I can think of is whether you can download these payment records as a CSV and trigger a zap off that to create the Salesforce records?

Thanks for the suggestion. However Xero does not support downloading csv payment records. Also manual download is not conducive to automated integration? We have solved this problem by moving these integrations to Integromat which does not contain the known bug on invoice payments.