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I am getting an invalid column value for Name when trying to create a new customer from a WPform in Zoho via Zapier.  In both WPform and Zoho the Name field is separated into First and Last.  Any idea on how to fix this?

Hi there @carorou,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Before we proceed any further, would it be possible for you to share a detailed screenshot of your Zap configuration with me? It would be especially helpful if you could include a screenshot of the "Action" section of the Zoho action step, as well as the settings of the "Name" field in Zoho. This way, I can take a closer look and provide you with more accurate guidance. Please don’t include/blur out any personal information in the screenshot.

Looking forward to hearing back from you! 😊

Thank you - here are the screenshots you requested.

Hey @carorou -

This is just an educated guess, but could it be possible you are receiving this error as your screenshots indicate you have two separate Fields labeled/named “Name”. Can you take a look at that please and possibly try renaming one of the fields and see what that produces? Looking forward to your response! 

Hi Chanelle

Thank you for reaching out.

I’ve attached another screenshot from Zoho which shows the layout of the Direct Client form and the properties of the Name field. There is only one field called ‘Name’ in this form.  It is comprised of a First Name and Last Name as can be seen from the properties and also from the user input view of the form, also attached.

Zapier only displays the Zoho Name field for mapping purposes (see previous screenshots), rather than the First Name and Last Name fields, whereas First Name and Last Name are available from Wordpress as shown in the screenshot below.  I wonder if this is the issue?

Hi @carorou,

Thank you for the additional information!

I did some digging into this, and it seems like you’re not the only one who’s running into this issue. As it turns out, this is a known bug with the Zoho Creator integration. Our team is aware of the issue and we're working with Zoho Creator on a fix. I've added your email address as another affected user. That does a few things:

  • Bring this to the attention of the integration developers
  • Help track and prioritize fixes
  • Allows us to notify you via email if/when this is fixed

Unfortunately, I do not have an ETA, but I’ve added you to the list of users affected by this issue so we can let you know as soon as we have any updates.

Thank you for your patience and understanding! If you have any further questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. We're always here to help.

Thank you for looking into this.  Is there a ticket ID associated with this issue?

Hi @carorou,

I'm sorry to say that we can't give you a ticket ID/number for your bug report since we handle that internally. Don't worry though, as soon as there's any update on the issue, we'll let you know right away! You'll either receive an email or a notification on this thread.

I hope this puts your mind at ease! 😊

Hello Zapier Staff

Can you please provide an update on this issue?  It has been a month and no updates and I’m at a stand still until it gets fixed.  A contact’s, employee’s, person’s name is VERY common and basic detail of a records.  Can you please prioritize this item?  Thank You.

Hi @LisaM,

I looked at the bug report, and it appears that we haven't received any updates from the Zoho Creator developers regarding the issue at this time. It's important to note that the Zoho Creator integration is maintained and managed by their team. It might be helpful to reach out to them directly and inform them about the bug you've encountered with their app.

Although they have access to the bug reports in our system, hearing directly from their users can provide valuable insights as well.

In the meantime, I have included you as an additional affected member on the open bug report. While we don't have an exact timeframe for when this bug will be resolved, we will keep you informed through email as soon as there are any developments.

We appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know.
