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Wordpress API returns Censored Results?

  • 1 December 2023
  • 21 replies

Hello! I’m having an issue with the Wordpress API request app returning censored URLs. When I query the API locally from my machine, I get proper URLs. Is this Zapier censoring my results? Zapier support wanted to say it was Wordpress, but none of their explanations made sense (said my site was set to private, but it’s not). 



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21 replies

Userlevel 1

Same thing is happening to me with Google Workspace Admin. Would love a solution if anyone has it. 


"nextPageToken": ":censored:668:dc9594a11a:"

Userlevel 2

Same thing is happening to me with Google Workspace Admin. Would love a solution if anyone has it. 


"nextPageToken": ":censored:668:dc9594a11a:"

Hi Robby, my solution was just to use the generic Webhooks by Zapier Zap. The only real difference is you’ll have to setup your API credentials manually. No idea why Zapier censors the results in these prebuilt connectors, but it renders them basically useless. Even more ridiculous is that their own support doesn’t seem to know about the issue and blames it on the API. Stupid. 

Userlevel 1

...The only real difference is you’ll have to setup your API credentials manually...Stupid. 


Ugh x 3. I’ll give support another crack at it before I do that.

Userlevel 1

Support acknowledged the Bug and wasn’t able to offer a ETA on a fix.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @SeanMiller91 and @robbyPlutoTV 👋

Thanks so much for flagging this! I’m so sorry about the troubles here. I just wanted to confirm that the issues you’re both running into here are definitely related to a bug that’s not just affecting the WordPress app.

You’ve both been added to the bug report for this which will help to increase it’s priority. We can’t make any promises around when it will be resolved by but we’ll definitely be in touch by email as soon as it is.

For now it looks like the only reported workaround is what’s already been discussed here - to use a Webhooks by Zapier action which isn’t ideal I know but hopefully it will help to get things up and running until it’s been fixed.

Thank you for both your patience in the meantime. Hopefully it will be fixed soon! 🤞

Guys, I need a fix for this also..

Same here for API request actions for PandaDoc..
This is making my Zapier consume 2 more tasks, just because of a bug of yours.

Can please fix asap?

Hi there,


I’m having the same issue with the Zoom API, I’m sending an authenticated request to get a meeting recording’s details, and the passcode to access the file is censored.


“password”: “:censored:8:64d0e989fd:”


Please fix this soon as I can’t have my users get a Zoom API key or they might as well drop Zapier entirely!

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @jus10 and @fabcairo,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

I have added you both to the open bug report as another affected members. We will let you know via email once the bug has been fixed.

I apologize for the inconvenience this bug has caused you and I appreciate your patience and understanding.

I am using the Okta App to pull information from their API (user emails) and all the email addresses are censored.  Is that related to this same bug in this thread?

Hi @jus10 and @fabcairo,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

I have added you both to the open bug report as another affected members. We will let you know via email once the bug has been fixed.

I apologize for the inconvenience this bug has caused you and I appreciate your patience and understanding.


Can you add me too please?  Same issue.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @maudlin533 and @pseguin,

I’m so sorry for the delayed reply here.

I have added you to the bug report. We will keep you in the loop via email once the bug has been fixed.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.


Hi there,

I’m having the same issue with the Zapier logs. I would like to write my Client ID to logs. 

Please let me know when this issue is fixed.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @busrayal,

I have added you as another affected member to the open bug report. We will keep you updated via email once the bug has been fixed.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

I am using the “API Request (Beta) in Microsoft SharePoint” action to fetch data from a SharePoint list. It is also giving censored results. The URL query requests a text field called Email and in my test case it returns 3 items. Only one of the three items returned had the email value censored. It replaced the domain name part of the email address with

Hopefully posting this will add me to the list of Zapier users looking to be updated when this bug is resolved.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks for reaching out about this @Smitix. I’ve just checked in on the bug report and after careful consideration, the team has decided not to pursue a fix for this bug at this time.

For context, they are currently working on an update to the Custom Actions builder which would resolve the issues with parts of the response data being censored in Custom Actions. And so switching over from API Request actions to Custom Actions would be the recommended solution. I can’t give any sort of estimate as to when that update for Custom Actions will be shipped but I’ll be sure to follow up here once it is.

In the meantime, if the API supports basic authentication methods you can try recreating the API Request action in a Webhooks by Zapier action instead (see: Send webhooks in Zaps), as that will return an uncensored response. 

Thanks for everyone’s patience on this so far. I’ll be back with a further update on this as soon as I can.

Hi there,


I’m having the same issue with the Zoom API, I’m sending an authenticated request to get a meeting recording’s details, and the passcode to access the file is censored.


“password”: “:censored:8:64d0e989fd:”


Please fix this soon as I can’t have my users get a Zoom API key or they might as well drop Zapier entirely!

I’m having this same exact issue. I need the download access token.

Hi there,


I’m having the same issue with the Zoom API, I’m sending an authenticated request to get a meeting recording’s details, and the passcode to access the file is censored.


“password”: “:censored:8:64d0e989fd:”


Please fix this soon as I can’t have my users get a Zoom API key or they might as well drop Zapier entirely!

I’m having this same exact issue. I need the download access token.

Also, to add, I’ve tried using Custom URL Actions and am having the same issue.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks for letting us know @Andrew504.

I’m unable to added you to the bug report as it’s been closed. To clarify, the team are pursuing a fix for the issue of response data being censored but this fix will be applied to Custom Actions specifically, and not API Request actions at this time. While I can’t give an ETA on when it will be resolved by I’ll definitely share an update in the thread one it’s been sorted.

I’m going to out on a limb and guess Zapier is trying to pass some audit / certification and thus why blanket masking all results from all api calls that contain things like email addresses, etc.  Unfortunately Zapiers lack of transparency on this bug that is clearly impacting a lot of people and has been open for 6+ months has left a really bad distaste for Zapier as a whole.  I will be recommending to our company to not use Zapier for new projects (or at least only use Zapier as ab absolute last resort).

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thank you for sharing your candid thoughts on this here, @pseguin. I’m going to share them with the relevant teams here so that we can look to improve bug-related communications and the level of information shared in the future. 

Really wish I could give further insights or a rough estimate as to when a fix to be will implemented. Please know that as soon as we have any updates on the status of this issue we’ll be sure to let everyone here know.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey folks,

I’m happy to report that the new version of the Custom Actions builder has been released which no longer censors the response data! 🎉

In order to take advantage of this improvement you’ll need to use the new AI Builder for Custom Actions when recreating the API Request action:


Recreating a API Request action in Custom Actions will also allow the actions to be reused across multiple Zaps and shared with teammates. 

We hope you’ll all be able to test out the new AI builder soon. And if you run into any issues with it please do let us know. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡