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Hi all,

Just looking to see if anyone here has any experience with WooCommerce Memberships, Teams for WC Memberships and trigger zaps when a membership status is changed.

I have a very strange situation happening and I have raised it with the Team for WC plugin author(s) as I think it is in issue with them but tell me what you think.

As I understand it the User Membership status changed (any status) trigger for WC Memberships is triggered whenever a user’s membership status changes (active, delayed, paused etc etc). What is happening for me is that if I add or remove a user from a team it does change their membership status on WordPress but does not trigger the Zap. However if I switch off the Subscription that is linked to the Membership it also changes everyones Membership Status and it also triggers the Zap, which then works as it should.

So am I missing something obvious? It doesn’t matter how the Membership Status is changed it should trigger: User Membership status changed (any status) right?

My only thought is perhaps Teams for WC is bypassing a hook or a way of changing the Membership Status which then does not trigger the Zap? But why…

Anyway, I’m very confused and just wondering if anyone else has a similar setup and doing similar things with Memberships?

Any help greatly appreciated.

Hi @DisruptiveHR,


Welcome to the Community. 


If your "User Membership" status changed trigger in WooCommerce Memberships isn't firing as expected, mainly when adding or removing users from teams, the Teams for WooCommerce Memberships plugin may be altering statuses in a way that bypasses Zapier's hooks. To troubleshoot, try turning off other plugins to check for conflicts, ensure all plugins are up to date, and consider contacting support WooCommerce Memberships. Their insights could clarify why the trigger isn't activating. 
