
WooCommerce error: authentication failed: "plugin is missing, or pretty permalinks may not be configured correctly.

  • 4 December 2023
  • 1 reply


i get the following Error-Message when trying to connect Woocommerce to Zapier:


I have found the other posts but none of the offered solutions helped: 

  1. I am using Woocommerce Zapier and payed, installed and aktiviated the latest version on my site:


  2. I do not have the default Wordpress-Linkstructure enabled: 


  3. I do have a security Plugin enabled, but api passwords are enabled and working. 

  4. I am using the free trial plan of zapier at this moment

Any help is appreciated! 


Best Regards

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hi @DirectorsAcademy,

Sorry you’re having trouble here.

I think something might not be right with the plugin setup, because the authentication endpoint is giving me a 404 in my browser, too. 

It sounds like you’ve already found some troubleshooting and help documents, but I’ve run into quite a few, in case those help.

I’ll start with this one, because at the end they suggest opening a ticket with WooCommerce.

Some others:

I hope those help. Let us know if they do or not!
