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We are trying to create a subscription when someone orders a certain product in Woocommerce, but we are getting the below error:

WooCommerce returned "Subscription payment method could not be set to stripe with error message: A "Stripe Customer ID" value is required.". Error code: "woocommerce_rest_invalid_payment_data".

There is no where in the ‘create subscription’ action zap that has a ‘stripe customer id’ field. There is a ‘Payment Details Method Id’ field but adding the stripe customer id here doesn't work. 


Any help is appreciated.

Hi @kingtyton 

Good question.

Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have context.

You may need to add Zap steps to get the Stripe Customer ID:


Hello, the issue is not that we cannot find the stripe customer id. We can get that from the woocommerce order trigger that fires when someone orders. The problem is there is no where to put the stripe customer id in the ‘create subscription’ action. There a customer id for woocommerce customer id but not stripe customer id.



Please show detailed screenshots with how this Zap step is configured:


Ok, I cut out shipping address, billing etc as its not important.


here is the error:



I’d recommend checking the related “Payment method” fields since the error message seems to indicate that an unexpected/invalid value is being set as “stripe”.



I dont think so. One is ‘payment details method id’ and one is ‘stripe customer id’. I dont think they are the same. either way, I have tried to add the stripe customer id here and it doesn't work either. Ive also tried adding it to the ‘customer id’ field, which is the customer id for woocomerce.


Might be best to open a ticket with Zapier Support for further assistance:

Hi there! 👋🏽 I wanted to pop in and update the topic with some details from the open ticket: 

I've taken a look at the open feature requests we have with the WooCommerce team and I can see we have already opened a feature request with them to include metadata fields (including Stripe ID) so I've added your details to that request. 

While we’re not able to offer a timeline on when or if this will be implemented, we’ll definitely email and keep the topic updated if that changes. 

Thanks again for flagging this and sharing your feedback with the team. It’s valued and appreciated!

Hi, did this ever get figured out?  We are running into the same issue.

Hi @sunica 

I’ve added your vote for this feature request, and we’ll  notify you via email once an update is readily available. Thanks.