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When I attempt to turn on a new Zap with the Wix Custom Trigger I get the following error message via email:


Step 1 - Wix Custom Triggers in Wix

Unexpected status code (status !== 200): 500, requestUrl:, requestBody: "{\"ruleId\":\"6e635b05-cd50-45fa-9b5d-1388b53c0b35\",\"zapId\":\"subscription:41822940\",\"hookUrl\":\"\"}", wixRequestId: "1718314593.8947036985481810584", responseContent: {"message":"Action SPI Provider has thrown an exception","details":{"applicationError":{"code":"ON_BEFORE_SAVE_ACTION_EXCEPTION","description":"appId: 135c3d92-0fea-1f9d-2ba5-2a1dfb04297e, actionID c386f289-2b28-d638-20c1-96e498035880 , actionKey: triggered-emails, errorMessage: INVALID_ARGUMENT: No meta site id found in CallScope"}}}


What’s confusing is that I use the same Wix Custom Trigger option for another Zap that works fine. I can’t seem to get help or find a solution on my own as to what’s going wrong.

The specific Zap it to integrate Wix with ConvertKit, which is exactly what the other working Zap does.

Please help, so that I don’t have to manually add tags to each subscriber on ConvertKit who purchases a plan on Wix. That would be a nuisance. 

Hi @BeU Coach 

Help us have more context by posting screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode and how your Wix automation rule is configured in Wix.
