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Why isn't New Lead triggering on all my imported leads?

  • 3 August 2022
  • 1 reply

Freshsales has an "import" feature that makes bulk imports possible, but the Zap doesn’t trigger for all of the uploaded leads. What’s going on?

If you’re experiencing this with the New Lead trigger (and/or the other ‘New’ triggers for Freshsales), it’s unfortunately a known issue :(

The way those triggers work, they will only pull in 25 objects. That means that additions of more than 25 new “objects” in a Zap’s polling interval could cause objects to be missed and not trigger Zaps due to deduplication.

You can tell if a Zap is polling because it will say Scheduled here: 5da31fced5cbda98a929eb5273181dda.png

There’s no workaround at the moment, but we do have a feature request that the Freshsales team has access to (they’ve built and maintain this integration). We can add you to that if you leave a comment below saying you’re experiencing this issue.

It might not hurt to reach out to their team directly and make the request as well :)