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Why can’t I publsih a Zap even after building the zap and all the green checkmarks all the war through to TEST are selected and checked off? 

I totally get how frustrating it can be when you’ve put in the effort to build a Zap, and it just won’t publish. Since you’ve got all the green checkmarks, it sounds like you’re on the right track. 

Sometimes, the issue might be related to the specific settings or permissions for the apps you’re connecting. Double-check that all the accounts linked to your Zap are properly authorized and that there are no restrictions on the actions you’re trying to perform. 

If everything looks good on that front, try refreshing the page or logging out and back in. It can sometimes help clear up any glitches. 

Let us know if you need more help!



Please tell us more to ensure we understand what you're trying to accomplish. What is your end goal with this Zap? Could you outline it step-by-step? If you can phrase it in the "When A happens in Service X, B should happen in Service Y" format, that will help us give you the best suggestion possible, so thank you in advance! Please post a screenshot and obscure any sensitive information within the screenshot.


We want to ensure we're on the same page so I can point you in the right direction!
