Why aren't all Line-Itemizer Line Items making it to ShipStation?
I've create a formatter section that splits comma separated lines and then combines them appropriately to form a series of line items that consist of product name, Unit Price, Quantity. In my sample data i have I 7 items that show up from our Quickbooks invoice sample data. When i test, all 7 items show in the formatter section. When i go to the shipstation trigger and enter the inputs, I only get 3 line items total to show up and then inside shipstation I only see the 3 items. Any ideas as to why the line items are being truncated? Also the line items that are showing up are in a randomized order. So it’s not like the first 3 show but not the rest. Instead it’s line item 1 then lines items 6 and 7.
Showing Formatter Line-Itemizer Setup
Showing line items 1-7 in formatter showing up perfectly
Showing Formatter Shipstation inputs setup
Showing shipstation view line items 1,6,&7
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The issue may be related to the trailing 3 commas, that indicate those line items from QBO have no value for these fields.
The data OUT from QBO in Step 1 looks to already be an array of line items.
Try mapping the variables below directly to the ShipStation step.
You may NOT need the Formatter step.
@Troy Tessalone I did that originally in terms of mapping direct to SS. Issues was it was showing 1 line item cramming all the line items into that single space and then putting quantity as 1,111,111. That’s what i chose to go this route which technically did what i wanted at least in the formatter test.
So why would the formatter being the intermediary between QB and SS, present the data properly when running the test showing all 7 single line items, qty, and price, but then once the formatter solution is added to the input in SS, it’s not rendering the same output? Seems odd that the formatter is between the two in order to properly supply the data, but then SS is doing whatever it wants to with the data.
Anyhow, any other ideas you can think of on how to parse this data out correctly? Is there something I need to possibly follow in QB in order to avoid these trailing commas? Maybe there’s some hidden empty data somewhere?
A Code step can be used to handle array line item data.
I think the issue is related to there being some empty line items in the line item variables from QBO (i.e. trailing commas).
Those may have to be removed.
@Troy Tessalone So i found the issue but not sure how to fix it.
In the data, the LINE for the LineItems contains the 7 products as well as the Subtotal, Discount, and Grand Total. These are showing up as lineItems but aren’t showing up as data when pulling in but I believe that is the the cause of the trailing commas.
So, when i run the JS or the formatter, the commas are actually removed when i choose them as the inputs for SS. But when i run the test Im still getting the same issue only showing 3 lineitems.
Is there any limiters on zapier that may be showing only a few of the lineitems (unless i pay)? Or do you think these remaining non-product lines are still causing the issues?
Could there be settings in ShipStation that are not setup or impacting the sent data?
Zapier isn’t limiting the # of line items, so it may have to do with how the data is being prepped by the Formatter/Code steps, or how ShipStation is interpreting that data.
@Troy Tessalone Think i got it… i went into shipstation and went to the zapier integration from there (before i was just using the builds in zapier). Once i clicked the zap i wanted it pre-populated everything properly and is now allowing me to pull in the lineitems and separates all the line items properly.
Thanks for all your help!
That’s awesome news @CBDG! Big thanks to Troy for lending a hand here.
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help!