I am attempting to use the Whisper ai integration to translate/transcribe calls, but often times I’ve been running into an issue where it’ll repeat the same word like a hundred times. For instance, this call was transcribed as a few lines of the actual transcription, but then shortly after, it puts “Thank you. “ more than 300 times.
I’ve had a similar thing with an other call that was supposed to be translated from spanish, but just resulted in another similar issue.
Upon downloading the actual recording from the exact same link, I hear no issues that would cause that. I did some research about bug reports with whisper, and while there are reports, they’re not meant for the Zapier version. Here’s the forum post I was reading. There’s also a line of code provided that can fix it, but I’m not sure how to apply it here, if its even possible:
python -m pip install --upgrade --no-deps --force-reinstall git+https://github.com/openai/whisper.git@refs/pull/1903/head
Thanks for the help in advance.