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I’m needing to create a process that involves multiple prompts to ChatGPT, so I’m using the “Conversation with Assistant” event. 

First I create the Assistant.

Then I create the first prompt for the Assistant.

Then I create the second prompt where I should hopefully have some kind of Conversation ID to use, but none of the ID’s that come along work. 

The “Thread ID”, “Run ID”, or any variations of that do not work. Any tips?



Oh. I figured it out. You literally just make up your own ID. Just in case others come across this thread as confused as I was.

That’s awesome @kevinwphelps! I’m glad to hear you were able to get it sorted!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗

is a conversation ID the same as a thread? i don’t see anything in chatgpt’s api docs that mentions a conversation ID

Can you explain the difference between the Conversation ID, Thread ID, and related ID options in ChatGPT?

Hi @dl77free and @Kathlyn! 👋

is a conversation ID the same as a thread? i don’t see anything in chatgpt’s api docs that mentions a conversation ID

No, Conversation IDs and Thread IDs are not the same.

According to the Assistants API documentation here “A Thread represents a conversation between a user and one or many Assistants. You can create a Thread when a user (or your AI application) starts a conversation with your Assistant.”. So a Thread ID is the unique identifier for the thread itself and the Conversation ID is the unique identifier for the conversation session. 

For the Conversation ID field if a unique value is set here, it will allow the assistant to remember a conversation. If that field is left blank you can still interact with the assistant but it won’t remember the conversation.

Can you explain the difference between the Conversation ID, Thread ID, and related ID options in ChatGPT?

As mentioned above the Conversation ID is the unique identifier for the conversation session and the Thread ID is the unique identifier for the thread.

The different ID options showing the dropdown should be as follows:

1) Run Assistant Id - this is the ID to identify the assistant that was used in that specific run of the ChatGPT action.

2) Run Id - this is the ID to identify that specific run of the ChatGPT action.

3) Run Thread Id - this is the ID to identify the thread used in that specific run of the ChatGPT action.

4) Thread Id - this is the ID of the thread that was used. In the screenshot @kevinwphelps shared previously you’ll see that the value for the Thread Id and Run Thread Id contain the same values, as they both reference the same thing - the ID of the thread that was used in the run of that ChatGPT action. I don’t know the exact reason as to why there are two fields for the same Thread ID essentially but I expect it’s got something to due to the Thread ID also being output inside the run object

Hope that helps to clarify things here. Let me know if you have any further questions at all! 🙂

Ok, so if i want zapier to ask the same assistant another question, in the same thread, based on the promt/answer we just had. How do I do that?
