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Want create a tag in Active Campaign after a purchase in Copecart (webhook)

  • 22 January 2024
  • 7 replies

Hi , 


 can somebody help me to create the right zap with the correct parameters.

Copecart is a checkout tool. You can make integratuons with GENERIC  and Webook. 

I have connect it with Copecart. It was succesfull.

I want that after a purchase in Copecart need to ad a TAG in Active Campaign to the new contact. 

Copecart was already conected with Active campaign. But without Tag.  Now i want use Zapier to create a Tag so that i have a tag after a costumer have buy the product.        

In my zap wehen i make the test there comes a error Troubleshooting. 


Best answer by Troy Tessalone 22 January 2024, 23:27

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7 replies

here is a screenshot

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @VictorMM 

We would need to see screenshots with how your Zap step ‘Action’ section is configured to have full context, thanks.


I habe create 2 actions . but i dont know if i need both .   I want that with the purchase on Copecart that the costumer will add to the Tag “Fastentransform Käufer Copecart”

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


The Contact ID expects the ID of the Contact, as per the field description.

You have 2 variables mapped from Step 2.

Remove the “Result Message” variable.


For the Tags, you do NOT want to map the Contact ID, so remove that.




I have make the changes. but still Troubleshooting. And now on the AC Account nothing happen

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Is there an existing contact in AC with the ID of 7? (Perhaps it was deleted.)

Maybe try retesting each Zap step in order.


Also, you may not need Step 3, if you are adding Tags, those can be added in Step 2.


Thank you  Bro. I have make the steps wich you have recomended me.  And i have delte step 3. 

Now it works so how i want it. Thank you for your help
