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  • I have connected Notion to GDrive & Created a ZAP.
  • Basically, my itented workflow
    • I clip a webpage with highlights into Notion via “save to notion” chrome plugin. ✅
    • It gets saved into a notion database.✅
    • The database entry opens a page with the real content.✅
    • Zapier uploads this  notion page into a folder in my Google Drive.❌
  • I have set up a zap which does indeed upload the file into the Google Drive. But the uploaded file contains only the file name. 😔 I need the content from the page to be uploaded as a .md file into the google drive. Screenshots below.
Notion Configuration
Google Drive Config ( File as “Object” ) 🤔
Notion Database which opens the file
The Content that needs to be uploaded.

As I said, I want to uplaod a .md file into google drive when a new database entry is created. The file content of each file should be the page content of each entry. Currently for my script only the filename is displayed in the .md file ( not content )

Please help 🙏

Hi @Maddy IR, welcome to the Community!

I’ve not tried to do this myself before, but one thing that stands out to me from your screenshots is the file extension in this step:


The file extension should be just the extension (eg pdf) as opposed to the name of the file and the extension. So in this case, you’d need to just type md

I know that the help text for the File Extension field says “Can only be used if you also specify a file name” but that’s referring to adding a file name in the previous field, which you have done. 


One thing to note is that this may not work because it looks like .md files aren’t supported by Google Drive. You can see a full list of the file types supported by Google Drive in this Google help doc: Files you can store in Google Drive


I hope that helps, let us know if you have any questions!