Hi @cbparker832
Good question.
Here’s a help article about how to configure your Zap action to map dynamic variables between Zap steps: https://help.zapier.com/hc/en-us/articles/8496257774221
If you still need help, please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.
Hey there, @cbparker832! Thanks for reaching out in community!
I wanted to swing by and see how you’re getting along with this?
I can see you were able to open a ticket as well - definitely keep us posted!
Troy’s response doesn’t answer the question. The issue is that the “Update Record in Salesforce” action only attempts to update a single Salesforce record, not multiple.
Please answer the question at the end: “Are we not able to have all records update based on the triggers?”. For example, some function like “Update Record(s)”.
Hi @EliDen!
If you want to update many records in Salesforce when a single field is updated, you can do that using Looping. Looping allows you to run one or more actions repeatedly for items in your Zap. In this case, the Zap would look like this:
- Trigger: Updated Field in SF
- Find Record(s)
- Looping
- Update record
It’s important that you use the Find Record(s) action because that will pull all records matching your search and pass them to the next step of the Zap as line items. With Looping you can then run through each line item and update the record. If you’ve not used Looping before, it can be a little tricky, so I recommend taking a read of this help guide: Loop your Zap actions
I hope that's clear, please let us know if you have any questions!