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Update current contacts only in SimpleTexting, not create new ones

  • 23 August 2024
  • 2 replies

I am having the same issue as @LoneStar in this post except with SimpleTexting instead of LeadConnector.

When triggered, I only want to update existing contacts by adding them to a List.

The 'create/update' option that I am given results in the creation of many new contacts.

I want to check and see if a contact is exists, if so, add that contact to a List, if not, disregard.

Has anyone found out how to update a contact only if they already exist as opposed to creating a new one?

Hi @Christanator, welcome to the Community! 👋

Hmm, the ideal way to get around that would be to use a “Find Contact” action to search for the contact. Then use a filter to only allow the Zap to continue if it found it, and have an “Update Contact” action add them to the list. However, I can see no such actions available for SimpleTexting.

There is an existing feature request for a “Find Contact” action to be added so I’ve added your vote for that. I can’t make any promises around when/if it’ll be added by but we’ll be sure to send out an email notification to you once it is!

I couldn’t see any feature requests for a separate “Update Contact” action though so I’d suggest contacting our Support team to submit a new feature request for that to be added. You can do that here:

In the meantime, you might be able to get around this using our Custom Actions and API Request features. It’s a bit more advanced but custom actions have an AI-powered Copilot that can help build it for you. If you’re interested in exploring those features you can learn more about them here:

Hope that helps to get you pointed in the right direction. If you run into any issues when setting those us or have further questions just let us know!

Thank you, I’ll try out the Custom Actions.  Appreciate the help!
