Hi Tom,
When updating a task in Asana, you’re correct that the custom fields are not present in Zapier. It’s a feature that would have to be added.
It's something other users have asked for so I've gone ahead and added your vote for this feature request. You’ll be notified via email if it gets added :)
This article was extremely helpful.
I am wondering though -- does anybody know if there are plans to update this integration to support custom fields natively in the Asana “Update Task” trigger in Zapier?
Hiya @Kickstart,
I hope you don’t mind but I merged your question with this existing topic. I’ve also gone ahead and added your vote to this feature request! While we don’t have an ETA for when this will available, we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop if and when it does. 
Can you confirm if the issue “ Update Asana Task Zap not showing custom fields” is resolved? I’m facing same issue. This issue was posted previously couple of years back by some user. Just wondering if there is any resolution on this issue?
Hey @Steven Mieszelewicz!
Unfortunately, it looks like this is still in the feature request stage. I know that’s probably not the answer you were hoping for
. But, I’ve gone ahead and added you to the feature request log so you too, will be updated if it becomes an available option in the future.