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I’m trying to make some automation from Shopify to Monday to keep track of Draft orders in Shopify.  However, I can’t seem to get “Find Order” to work for Draft Orders.  If I use “Get Order ID”, then I can pull up a draft order, but I don’t get any of the properties.  When I use “Find Order”, I can pull up the normal orders, but it won’t pull up the Draft Order.  Any suggestions?

Hi @weslby 

Maybe try using the Raw Query in Find Order


@Troy Tessalone , I assume this is what you’re talking about. Same issue here… I’ve tried a million syntaxes.  It can still pull Order info, but not the Draft Orders.  Unless there’s a specific syntax that I can’t find, I’m not sure the Raw Query works either.




Follow the guidance of the field description for how to properly format.

e.g. the variable looks like it needs to be enclosed in double quotes “


Thanks for the help @Troy Tessalone .  Unfortunately, still not working.  Same thing again, when I test it with a completed order, it works, but does not work with a Draft order #.


Reference the link in the field description.




Shopify API

Search Draft Order by ID

  • API Request
  • Custom Action (with the help of AI)



curl -X GET "https://{store-name}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Shopify-Access-Token: {access-token}"


Get DraftOrder by ID

You may need to specify which data points to return for the Shopify Order.