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New to Zapier, but could not find an answer through my search, so turning to the network to hopefully get a resolution. I have set up two (2) Zaps in separate folders to transfer Facebook Leads to Gmail. The reason for two is that the client has two separate businesses that we manage Facebook Ads for and require the leads to be sent to each of the respective businesses.


The challenge I am encountering is that I am only able to ‘turn on’ one of the Zaps at a time. Need to have both of these turned on always. Any help is appreciated.

Hey there @mcneillewan!

That’s very strange. What Zapier plan are you on? Also, do you only have those two Zaps in your account, or are there more that are switched on? Asking as certain plans have a limit to the number of Zaps that can be active at the same time so I’m wondering if that’s what’s causing only one to be able to be switched on.

The other thing that might be happening is that the Zaps could be erroring after being switched on and then are automatically switched off. Are you getting any errors or are they running fine while they’re switched on?

Looking forward to hearing from you! 🙂