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I am trying to save a word file into a Google Drive Folder. The folder is created in Step 2 of my Zap. I have tried countless different ways of locating and saving/copying/uploading the file to said folder, but no matter what, the file never gets to the folder. 

I assume the Zap is not finding the dynamically named folder. Neither me nor the AI Bot can overcome what seems to be a simple solution. 

Below are screenshots of various ‘coding’ I have attempted. 

In the first screenshot you will see my current set of steps. 

The second screenshot is when I try to copy the file to the folder created from “Results” in Step 2.

Third screenshot is when I try to copy the file to the nomenclature from Step 1 and Step 2. 

The AI bot also set the folder label to “root” however this did not work. 


Hi ​@nicole3779 

The GDrive Folder field expects the Folder ID rather than the Folder name.

Click the field label to see a tooltip with more info.

Help links for using GDrive in Zaps:


Where do I get the file id? That is not an option (see below). Also, wouldn’t the file id be different for each newly created folder? 



The Folder ID should come from the GDrive Zap step that created the Folder.

Looks like you are using a GDrive Custom Action so that may need to be adjusted to return the created Folder ID.

Thank you, I finally got that to work.

Is there a way to work with Microsoft docs that are saved to my Google drive? Without accessing Microsoft office 365? I don’t save anything to Microsoft 365 or one drive - it’s all saved to my Google drive. 

While I can locate and copy these files with Zapier, I don’t know how to then amend the file or fill in a template (.Dotx).


I strongly dislike google docs so i am trying to avoid that route. 


To use files in GDrive, those files would need to be in GDrive.

To use templates, those would need to be GDoc Templates:


Yes, I am able to generate documents from a Google Doc Template. But, I dont want to use Google Docs. I want to use Microsoft word. As noted, my word documents are in my google drive. However, I do not know what action to use to, to edit the Microsoft word document. 


Files in GDrive that were uploaded as Microsoft WORD documents are still considered GDrive files.

To use templates in GDrive, those files would need to be GDocs or GSlides.

So there is no way to edit Microsoft doc or .dotx ?


These are the available Zap app actions for each app:


If you have access the Microsoft file you are trying to use via the File ID, then you may be able to use the Microsoft files in GDrive.


When in doubt, test it out.

I have tried many times to test it and nothing is working hence why I am

on this thread 

Hi ​@nicole3779,


Welcome to the Community.


Zapier doesn't currently support direct editing of Microsoft Word documents, but you can use Google Docs as a workaround. Convert the Word document to Google Docs format using Zapier's "Convert Document" action, make edits with the "Update Document" action, and convert it back to Word format if needed. Note that this process creates new documents rather than editing the original file. For direct Word editing, consider other tools. 


Let us know if you need further assistance.
