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I keep getting the following error when using the “Retrieve Files from Google Drive” action. The files I’m trying to find exist in a shared team folder, so I manually type in the ID for that folder, put in my query params for finding the file, and set spaces to “drive”.


I’m not sure what to do. There’s no place to define the “corpora” parameter in the inputs. Please help!


Hi there @kevco5,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Before we dig deeper into this, would you mind sharing a screenshot the “Action” section of the “Retrieve Files from Google Drive” action step? Like so:

(view larger)


Hi @ken.a, see attached screenshot. I can’t really share it in full because there is sensitive info in the inputs. In the yellow box under “drive ID”, I’ve added the ID of the Google Folder I want Zapier to search. And in the yellow box under the query, there’s an email address from a previous step in the zap.


Hi @kevco5,

Thanks for the screenshot.

Could you please try using the “Find a File” action instead?

(view larger)

Please let me know if that works for you. I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!
