Hi there @Colm,
I have moved your reply to a new topic. I hope you don’t mind!
Whenever you see those {{...}} curly braces around entries in the Data In of an action, this means that there is a field mapped there in the Zap Editor, but when the Zap ran live this data was not sent from a previous step.
Since the sample data is different from the Zap run’s data. I would recommend utilizing the custom pill mapping workaround. You can learn more about the workaround here:
Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!
Thanks for the response Ken - I’ve just gone the custom pill mapping doc and I’ve implemented as instructed.
Would you mind taking a quick look at this video?
Can you let me know if you think I’ve gone wrong anywhere? Any thoughts or comments are very welcome!
Hi @Colm,
Thanks for the detailed loom video!
It looks like your custom pills are set up correctly. However, you'll need to republish the Zap to save the changes that were made. After publishing the Zap, please try triggering it again and check the Zap History to ensure that the data is being sent correctly.
I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!
Thanks Ken - I’ve saved the changes - and the zap is on - I don’t seem to have the option to republish.
Would you mind taking another quick look at this video?
Hi @Colm,
I’m so sorry for the delayed response here. I was sick for a couple of days.
The reason could be that the draft and the published version are identical that’s why it’s not letting you republish. Could you please try removing one mapped data on a field and re-add it again to see if it’ll let you publish the Zap?
I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!
Thanks Ken. Hope you’re feeling better mate.
That seemed to work - I was able to Publish again - see attached screenshot.
Is the exclamation mark in the field anything to worry about.
I can’t test this in real time - LegitFit doesn’t have a test payment facility - so I’ll just have to play the waiting game.
If you think I’ve missed a step or have any comments or questions I’d love to hear them.
Many thanks!
Wow! Thank you for confirming that Ken’s resolution got the Zap running. This will significantly help our Community members to have as a reference for the same issue.