I created what I thought was a fairly straightforward Zap that checks someone’s Outlook calendar, looks for specific words in the subject line of an Event and then if found, sends a Slack message. I guess right now I am not 100% sure what the behavior should be with how it’s currently configured.
I am using the Microsoft Exchange trigger with the Calendar Event Start as the Event. This is not my calendar, rather it’s my Manager’s calendar. I have it set to 1 minute before the start of the event. Next, I have a filter step set up where it will only continue if the Subject contains “Onsite Demo.” If found, it sends a Slack message to certain individuals.
There was a calendar event in his calendar today that met this criteria with a start time of 4am Pacific. This first attempted worked. It checked at 3:59am, found the key words, and triggered the Slack. It did not, however, detect one later in the day that should have triggered.
Looking at the history, this is where I now start to question if I am not understanding how this works. For the one that should have triggered, I see no attempted run of the Zap. However, I do see two other runs today that did not continue since it was stopped by the filter as they were events that did not contain these key words. However again, there are several other entries on his calendar where there was no attempted run. There are a total of 8 events on the calendar for today, but the Zap only ran 3 times. So I’m not sure how this app and event work, and how it knows when to check the calendar. It it perhaps just checking at random? Do I need to start the Zap with a schedule and tell it to check at a given frequency? Are there known issues around this?
Thank you very much!