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I am trying to retrieve all hostnames from Cloudflare’s SSL for SaaS, fetch all websites in cPanel via cPanel API, loop through all Cloudflare hostnames, and if the hostname isn’t in the cPanel API request response as a list of websites, delete the hostname. 


I am formatting both cPanel and Cloudflare API responses to line-items using text-to-line-items. 


However, the only continue if isn’t work:



Resulting in:



I can see that Zapier is detecting that none of the hostnames are in the output, however, as you can see: is in the list of cPanel websites. 


I have put in three test records, that are in Cloudflare hostnames, but aren’t in cPanel website API response, but it isn’t detecting it, instead opting to say all hostnames aren’t in the cPanel website response.


How can I correct this?

Hi @jwhm 

Try changing the Filter operator to: Does not contain


Same issue. 


Can you post screenshots with how the Formatter Step 5 is configured in EDIT mode along with the updated Filter step?


Another approach would be to use a Code step to check a value against a list (array of items) or a string, then Filter based on the output.


Can you post screenshots with how the Formatter Step 5 is configured in EDIT mode along with the updated Filter step?






Instead of the Formatter Step 5 that converts the text to line items, try mapping the variable output from step 4 to the right side Filter condition and use the operator (Does Not Contain).



Its is now saying none of the items match. I think this is a bug?


Reviewing your original Filter config: Hostname is not in OUTPUT list

The Hostname value being tested is:

The OUTPUT list data includes

Therefore it makes sense the Filter would NOT have continued as indicated by the yellow warning because the OUTPUT list data did include the Hostname.





Reviewing your original Filter config: Hostname is not in OUTPUT list

The Hostname value being tested is:

The OUTPUT list data includes

Therefore it makes sense the Filter would NOT have continued as indicated by the yellow warning because the OUTPUT list data did include the Hostname.




So, how can I make it so, if the hostname is not in the output, continue?


If you test with a Hostname variable value that is not in the list, then the Zap Filter would continue and show as green.

Try turning the Zap ON and testing live, then check the DATA IN/OUT for each Zap step to help you trace and troubleshoot:
