Hi @Gawronify
Good question.
We would need to see screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured, thanks.
Hi @Gawronify
Perhaps these provide guidance…
SoftTimeLimitExceeded Error
The process of downloading the video (from the origin), and uploading it to YouTube must finish within 180 seconds (three minutes). Otherwise, our system will cancel the process. We suggest compressing your video for it to be uploaded correctly.
I can't upload more than 5 videos in a day
If you're on a Free or Trial Zapier plan, you're limited to uploading up to 5 videos in a 24-hour period with the Youtube app. To fix held Zap runs, wait 24 hours, and you can replay them. To upload more than 5 videos in a day, you'll need to upgrade to a Zapier paid plan.
Looks like I cant upload a little 500mb file lol
Hi @Gawronify!
I wonder if the issue might be that the Zoom settings need to be tweaked for the recordings?
If that’s the case you’ll want to update the settings in Zoom as mentioned in this I am having trouble downloading a recording from the New Recording trigger guide. Then pull in a new test record from Zoom, and test the Google Drive and YouTube action steps in the Zap again.
If not, are you seeing any errors? If so can you please share a screenshot showing the full error so we can take get a bit more context on the issue here. Please remove/hide any private information from the screenshot before sharing (like names, email addresses etc.).
Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you on this!