If possible, mention your actions and triggers.
Ensure the file in SharePoint is accessible and downloadable. If the file is restricted or requires special permissions, Zapier may not be able to retrieve it
Use the "New or Updated File" trigger in SharePoint to ensure the file is captured correctly
In Salesforce, use the "Add File to Record" action to attach the file to the associated record (e.g., Lead, Contact, or Deal)
When mapping the file from SharePoint to Salesforce, ensure you select the actual file (not just the URL). If the file is not shown, it may indicate an issue with how the file is being retrieved or passed through the Zap.
When I try this I get an error message on my test:
Could not add File to Record.: ContentDocument ID: id value of incorrect type: https://zapier-dev-files.s3.amazonaws.com/cli-platform/etcetcetc
The last part there, I just removed the rest of the URL. But when I click on the URL it downloads the document XLSM file to my computer.
When I try this I get an error message on my test:
Could not add File to Record.: ContentDocument ID: id value of incorrect type: https://zapier-dev-files.s3.amazonaws.com/cli-platform/etcetcetc
The last part there, I just removed the rest of the URL. But when I click on the URL it downloads the document XLSM file to my computer.
A screenshot might make me easier to see your workflow, have you tried the "Create Attachment" action?
Ah, send attachment worked! Thank you!
Attached is a screenshot of the steps I ended up using, in case it’s helpful for anyone else.
That’s awesome @kate_at_acc! A huge thanks to @pranayshinde for lending a hand here!
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help!