
Unable to associate Asana tasks with Salesforce Opportunity.

Hello! So I know I’ve done this before successfully but I am trying to replicate and failing.

I have the Asana for Salesforce package installed in my Production environment and it is fully functional within the Opportunity object itself.

What I am trying to do is build a workflow so that when a Salesforce Opportunity is Closed an Asana task is created and routed to the appropriate team to act upon all the next steps in our process - that part is looking great!

My challenge is that I would then like to associate the created task in Asana back to the Salesforce Opportunity. What I am currently doing is having Zapier create a record using the Salesforce object ‘Asana Tasks Relation’ what I should be able to do is just add the Asana Task ID and the Salesforce Opportunity ID and bing bang boom - a record gets created - they should now be connected. I swear I have successfully done this before (but maybe my mind just wants to *think* that I’ve done this successfully). HELP 

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @jess.atta 

Good question.

Help us have more context by posting detailed screenshots with how each of your Zap steps are configured, thanks.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Step 7 looks to be configured correctly.

After testing the Salesforce Record ID will be returned.

You can use that to find the record in Salesforce.


Does this field need to be filled out?


I retested again and it worked, not sure why my first test failed. Thanks for helping out @Troy Tessalone!

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks for letting us know @jess.atta! Not sure what changed in the Zap for it to go through successfully but I’m glad it’s working for you now. 😁🎉

If you run into more issues or questions in future please do reach out again in the Community here, we’re always happy to help! 
