I am unable to use my Instagram and Facebook page in Zapier.
I can successfully connect my Facebook account, and the associated Instagram account is found.
However, when I try to select the account in Zapier, nothing appears. Adding the account via ID does not work either. And in Facebook I gave Zapier all permissions.
In the Meta Business Suite, it looks like this:
Could the issue be that the pages are only added as part of the Business Portfolio (even though I have full rights)?
For another Facebook account, where the Facebook page was created using the same account (maybe that’s why there is the "Your Account" section shown in the Business Manager?).
Here I am able to connect Instagram and Facebook in Zapier.
The question is: How can I, and is it possible to, connect Zapier to a page under the Business Portfolio if there is no "Your Account" section?
And what does it actually mean if the "Your Account" section is missing?
Does this mean that the section is always missing when the page has been "assigned" to you, rather than when you created the page yourself on Facebook?
Can anyone help me with this?