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I have a question regarding ManyChat.

The goal of my automation is to pull an instagram handle from TypeForm and then send a message to that IG handle using ManyChat.

Below is how I set up my automation, but it appears I messed up the “user_id.”

My questions would be:

  • Does this look like it’s set up correctly; and
  • How do I format the user_id correctly?

Thanks in advance!



Hi @JJarrell 

For us to have more info, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in EDIT mode.

Hi @JJarrell 👋

The ID for the Manychat user will likely be different to their Instagram handle as they are two different systems. Is the Instagram handle stored in a custom field for the users in Manychat?

If so, you could try using a Find User by Custom Field (Manychat) search action to find a match for the Instagram handle and obtain their Manychat user ID. Then in the User field on the Send Text Message to User action, you would use the Custom value option to select the ID that was output by the Manychat search action. 

Hope that helps to get you pointed in the right direction. If you run into any issues on that or have any questions at all do let us know - happy to assist further! 🙂
