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Twillo Error while retrieving: The app returned "Account sid is missing or in the wrong format

  • 21 January 2023
  • 2 replies

I am receiving the following error on my ZAP, with the default ZAP configs. I am trying to integrate Twillo SMS to Slack. Error while retrieving: The app returned "Account sid is missing or in the wrong format: SKeab35cd5b28b236a03ebfba9bbe3b232".

My Message service SID start with an MG not a SK. Not sure if that matters at all? Is there a way to fix this or adjust what Zapier is looking at? 

Or should I do it manually with a webhook? 

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Good question.

Check your Twilio Zap app connection here:

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

@SW_GUS Hey there! After some digging around I’m inclined to make the same recommendation on checking your Twilio Zap app connection. Just want to confirm, this a new Zap you are setting up and not one that has been running and is now experiencing an error?