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Troubleshooting: Zap is not triggering on Google Calendar events to control Local Line store.

First time Zapper here!

I’ve tried to create a Zap to automatically open and close my store on Local Line using a google calendar event. 

The Zap seems to be created and is turned on, it should have triggered this morning at 10am but there is no recorded history in my zaps.


How do I fix this?

10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Mayan 

Good question.

We will need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to have enough context, thanks.

Hi Troy thanks for your response!
Let me know if this helps.




Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Some context about the Zap trigger step config.


Ok I actually had it set to 16 minutes before I just changed it recently because I forgot about that.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Can you post a screenshot with an actual GCal event that you are trying to trigger on?

Hi Troy,
Thanks for your response.
I hope this helps.
It seems like maybe the event start works but not the event end.


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @Mayan,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

I checked out the screenshot you provided, and it seems like there's nothing wrong with your Zap setup. To test it out, could you please create a new test event on your Google Calendar for the current day? Name it "Open Store" and set the start time and end time to be just 5 minutes apart. This will help us determine if the Zap triggers successfully.

By the way, have you explored the Schedule by Zapier app? It seems like it could be a perfect match for your workflow in this case.

Let me know how the test goes, and if there's anything else I can do to help! 😊


Hi Ken, Thanks for your answer.
I’m testing out a new event, but it seems like the schedule app might be perfect.

I’m going to make a test one with the schedule app now.

Thanks for your help.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


For the GCal Event End to trigger, there would need to be an event that has ended since the Zap was created.


Help article about how to change the Zap trigger data:


Some events are missed by the "Event Start" trigger

This can happen if you set the field Time Before for an interval shorter than what your plan allows.
Event Start is a polling trigger, so the interval depends on the plan.
The Free and Starter plans, for example, check for updates in the trigger app every 15 minutes.
This means you'll need to set the Time Before field to 16 minutes or more, or the Zap might miss some events.
