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I tried reconnect

I tried delete and create new connection


But when I connect with my facebook account I don’t see needed Facebook Page. See difference page but not needed. 
I check all access many times - nothing.

I tried to connect facebook in albato - and yes, I see page what I need and can select form for connection. 

But I need in Zaiper. 

What to do? Maybe this is because I don’t have premium? (But why I see another accounts?). 

Thank you 

Hi @WIB 

Did you review the available help articles for using FB Lead Ads in Zaps?

Hi @WIB 

Did you review the available help articles for using FB Lead Ads in Zaps?

Yes, nothing. And if you see I describe that another services see needed Business manager, problem only in Zaiper. 

Hi there @WIB,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Before we dig deeper into this, could you please try following the instructions on this Community post on how to troubleshoot Facebook Lead Ads:

Please let me know if that works for you.

Hi there @WIB,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Before we dig deeper into this, could you please try following the instructions on this Community post on how to troubleshoot Facebook Lead Ads:

Please let me know if that works for you.

I did all instruction. 
AND AGAIN I can connect in other integration platform exactly what page i need, but I don’t see in in Zaiper. I use free version, and I am not understanding why I see some pages but not see pase what I need exactly in zaiper! If I buy zaiper - will it help me or not? 

Hi @WIB 

FYI..To use FB Lead Ads in Zaps requires a Zapier paid plan as FB Lead Ads is a Premium Zap app.


Premium apps are select apps that are exclusively available to users on paid plans.

Hi @WIB 

FYI..To use FB Lead Ads in Zaps requires a Zapier paid plan as FB Lead Ads is a Premium Zap app.


Premium apps are select apps that are exclusively available to users on paid plans.

Hi, but why I see another pages?  If it Premium Zap app. 
I try to but, thank you. 


You would need a Zapier paid plan to turn a Zap ON using FB Lead Ads.

You can configure and test using a Zapier free plan.

I don't know if it's related, but some time ago, all Facebook connectors were having problems on the integration platforms, apparently due to a flaw in Meta. I use this connector on Albato (--external link removed by moderator--) and they recently announced that it has been fixed. 
