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I have a jobber request form, in which clients can fill out information and then submit this form.

Snippet of Jobber Request Form



Whenever a request is submitted, it will create a client and then a request on Jobber.

---There’s also an option for current clients to make a request (without creating a new client), but this isnt necessarily relevant.


This Jobber Request form I have, can be embedded via I-frame or a link. But, it isn’t really.. Pleasant to look at (on my website).

So, I made a JotForm, with the same inputs that the Jobber Request Form has.

Then, I went to set it up in Zapier Zwith my connected Jobber act] and…

It doesn’t let me use any of the text boxes from my Jobber Request form..

It just allows me to add a client in as a request, with no additional information.

Jobber Events: *Keep in mind, adding a note will only add an internal note.*


Jobber: Create Request



it SHOULD run like this:

JotForm Submission -→ Jobber Search: Client. → Create Client if none is found → Jobber Request /With populated fields from JotForm Submission.




How do I get around this?

Since the form is also able to be viewed via a URL, can I use webhooks? Or..? I don’t understand how to do this, please help!

Would doing a Jotform API request work..? I dont know..

Thanks in advance!

Hi and welcome to the Community @megnotfox🎉

I did some checking on this end any found that we’ve got an open feature request for additional fields (like custom fields etc) to be available with the Create Request action. I can’t make any promises around when that might get added but I’ve added your vote to it which will help to increase it’s priority. We’ll be in touch via email if/when it gets added by Jobber’s developers. 

It doesn’t look as though the Jobber app on Zapier has any API Request or Custom Action features available. But you might be able to create a request via Jobber’s API (Jobber > Make an Endpoint Request) using a Webhooks action, if Jobber’s API supports basic authentication (Send webhooks in Zaps). If it doesn’t then you’d want to explore building a private integration with Jobber on the Developer Platform as it supports more advanced authentication methods ( Building an integration is a bit more advanced but we have a list of trusted Zapier app developers who can help build an integration on your behalf if you’d prefer: 

Hope that helps to get you pointed in the right direction. If you run into any issues on that or have any further questions at all just let us know! 🙂

Hey @megnotfox, and anyone else that comes across this! 👋

Just following up here to share that the feature request has been closed. In case you missed the email notification that went out here’s the key information from it that you need to know:

“The "Create Request" action now has a title field. But for other fields that were requested, the values would need to be added as a note using a newly added "Add Note to Request" action. This is because the Jobber team has let us know that it is not possible to have fields like the "Service Details" or "Schedule an appointment" filled in directly when using that action.”

If you hit any snags in using that Title field or the Add Note to Request action, please let us know in the Community or reach out to our Support team directly.

In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️