Purpose of Zap: Send an instant SMS confirmation message to webinar registrant. Then send another message 1 hour before the start of the webinar.
Apps used: Demio, SimpleTexting, Formatter, Delay
My zap takes a webinar registration from Demio, filters it for a phone number, formats the phone number, then passes it to SimpleTexting to send an instant SMS confirmation message. This part works correctly.
I then have a formatter step in which 1 hour is subtracted from the Upcoming Webinar Date/Time passed in from the earlier Demio registration step. This is where it goes off the rails.
It then passes into a delay step until the designated time, then releases it to the SimpleTexting step where a reminder message is sent.
I am getting the second message 7 hours too late and I can’t figure out why. I suspect it has something to do with timezones and/or the way the time is formatted. Just can’t wrap my head around it.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate: