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Purpose of Zap: Send an instant SMS confirmation message to webinar registrant. Then send another message 1 hour before the start of the webinar. 


Apps used: Demio, SimpleTexting, Formatter, Delay


My zap takes a webinar registration from Demio, filters it for a phone number, formats the phone number, then passes it to SimpleTexting to send an instant SMS confirmation message. This part works correctly.

I then have a formatter step in which 1 hour is subtracted from the Upcoming Webinar Date/Time passed in from the earlier Demio registration step. This is where it goes off the rails.

It then passes into a delay step until the designated time, then releases it to the SimpleTexting step where a reminder message is sent.

I am getting the second message 7 hours too late and I can’t figure out why. I suspect it has something to do with timezones and/or the way the time is formatted. Just can’t wrap my head around it.


Here are some screenshots to illustrate:


Hi ​@jaredbrandon 

Check your Zapier account time zone setting.

Check your Zap time zone setting.

Check the time zone setting for Demio.

You can use this Zap action to adjust time zones: Formatter > Date & Time > Format

Hi there, ​@jaredbrandon 👋

I can see that you also reached out to our Support Team about this but I couldn’t see any reply to confirm whether this was resolved. 

Did you manage to get it working by adjusting the timezone settings as Troy suggested? If not, I’d be happy to lend a hand if you’re still running into some trouble. 

Keen to ensure this gets sorted so please let us know whether you need any further help at all! 🙂
