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I'm having this issue where I'm trying to drop multiple. pieces of content into a Dropbox folder and I. want buffer to automatically add those videos to a queue. For example, I want to put 30 clips from a stream into the folder and above for automatically. queue those for the rest of the month. I'm getting this error. which I'm assuming the file size is too big, but I'm not sure. a way to work around this since buffer does take the file size I've added. I've seen something about the API size being too large but would like to know is there a way to work around this?



Hi there @Circitz,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Before we dig deeper into this, could you please try to replay the Zap run? I suspect the issue was the result of a temporary problem with the Buffer's servers.

You can do that by clicking the "Replay" button on the top-right corner of the Zap run.

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!



Hi @Circitz,

Thanks for giving that a try.

Could you please let me know the file size you’re trying to upload to Buffer? Please note that there’s a 100MB size limit when uploading to Buffer via Zapier.

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!

i see i think i might be that its 10 or mb over the size limit. No work around?



So i tried compressing the file and i still get this message 

This is folder and file sizes 


Hi there @Circitz,

I appreciate the update here.

I did some digging into this, and it seems like this is a known bug with Buffer. There’s an existing bug report for the Product team over at Buffer who owns and manages the integration on our platform and I've added you to the list of affected users to ensure that you'll be notified as soon as there's an update.

I'm afraid I can’t provide an ETA for when this issue might be resolved because prioritization is largely dependent on the number of customers affected. We will reach out to you via email once it is resolved.

You can add a 1-day delay and then the Buffer step (it might work with a several hours delay too).

Hopefully, this helps.
