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Triggered by a google form, the next step is to create a folder, then make a copy of an existing file and lastly, move the new file (google doc) to the new folder. Everything is passing the tests but then it won’t move the file. Any suggestions?


Hi @imailingu 

Help link about mapping dynamic variables to dropdown fields:


File field expects the File ID.

Folder field expects the Folder ID.


TIP: Click the field labels to see tooltips with more info the field.



Thank you Troy! I’m a little confused. I shared the first image that shows I am specifying the File ID an Folder ID from steps #6 and #7. They are the exact ones. What am I doing wrong?

Ahhhh, ok, you were correct - I needed use the ID not the name of the items. 

Thanks so much!


From Step 6 you have the Folder Title variable mapped, but the Folder field expects the Folder ID, which is a different variable.

From Step 7 you have the File Title variable mapped, but the File field expects the File ID, which is a different variable.

