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Hi everyone,

I have particular lessons in a Mighty Network platform that I want to issue specific credentials for through Accredible.

I have created a zap for Course Progress (trigger) to issue a credential but I can’t seem to filter the trigger to only be for course updates for particular lessons.

Has anyone been through this before?

I was thinking I could do an interim step of adding details to an excel sheet, and then only issuing credentials if a particular lesson is identified but it doesn’t seem to pull the lesson ID so that probably wouldn’t work either.

Kind regards,


Hi @LaurenTAHA 

Try adding a Filter as step 2 in the Zap:

Thanks Troy,

I can filter by Space but not lesson - I think that is the issue.

Unfortunately that will affect a three step zap as well. I won’t be able to pull over the lesson details into an excel, to tailor the certificate. :(

Thanks for your prompt response!




To help us have more context, post screenshots with how the steps are outlined and configured.

Step 1
Step 2 - I want to add a filter of only completed lesson ID xxxx at 80% or more (but you can’t add a filter by Lesson ID, and there’s nothing about quiz completion driving certificate issuance).
I have added a change to Australian format of date, and Create Credential… but this will create credential regardless of whether someone has successfully passed the quiz.
Help gratefully appreciated!!!



You may have to try reaching out to Mighty Networks Support for possible guidance with their Zap app integration.

Hi there @LaurenTAHA 👋

I did some checking on this end and I couldn’t find any lesson ID available when using the Course Progress Update trigger either. There aren’t any existing feature requests logged for the ability to select a specific lesson or to have the lesson ID returned when there’s a progress update so I’d recommend contacting our Support team here to put in a new feature request for this so that we can begin tracking interest in this. 

For now is there any settings in Mighty Networks to get it to send out an email notification to your email address when a lesson is completed? If so and assuming that they contain the name of the lesson and the percentage perhaps you could then use those emails as an alternative way of triggering a Zap. If that would be feasible I’d suggest checking out our Trigger Zaps from new parsed emails guide which you could use to set up an Email Parser trigger for the Zap instead.

If that’s not possible then I don’t think there’s going to be any other workarounds available at the moment as it appears that Might Networks doesn’t have a publicly-accessible API that you could connect to using webhooks. But if I come across any I’ll be sure to share details of them here! 🙂 Please do let us know if there’s anything else we can assist with in the meantime.

Thanks both,

There's no way to automate emails to admin from Mighty Networks based on completion of a lesson - it's all through Zapier so relies on the same triggers ( which aren't useful in this instance).

We are really struggling with this. I will get in touch with Zapier - had already requested that Mighty consider adding to their product roadmap.

Thanks for your expertise, and advice!

I’m so sorry to hear that it’s not going to be possible for an email notification to be sent from Mighty Networks @LaurenTAHA. Hopefully the Mighty Networks team will be able to get this sorted soon. 🤞

I can’t think of any other potential workarounds at the moment but if I come across any new ideas I’ll be sure to let you know! 🙂

Thanks Sam :)
