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Trouble extracting phone numbers from the markdown text that is converted from the HTML format

  • 1 July 2024
  • 1 reply

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I have an issue extracting the phone number from the markdown text that is converted from the HTML format of the mail I received.

I have attached the 3 screenshots please refer to them and please let me what I am doing wrong as the last digit is not coming into it.


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Userlevel 7
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Hi @lavi 

Looks like there input data text may have 2 phone #s.

  • One for Location
  • One for Phone Number

In the screenshot, it looks like the Phone Number has no value.

If you want to extract the Phone Number value instead of the Location value, then you would need to add a step: Formatter > Text > Split

Split by: **Phone number**

Keep last segment.

